Monday, May 16, 2016

6 Year Old Party

Again,  when you have a birthday in August, it's hard to have a friend party when friends are scarce to begin with.  Therefore, we decide to celebrate Molly's 6th birthday with her classmates a little early. 

It was a mermaid party... naturally.

There was a mermaid hop race...

Pin the tail on the mermaid...

A piñata in the garage

A story read by Maddie (the neighbor girl who dressed up like a princess for the party)

A mermaid cake (which I think I've made over 3 times now)

Ring pops and dresses...

Swings and running...which lead to barfing.

Yep, I spent the last half hour of the party cleaning up the puke one girl projectile vomited in the house.  There are certain memories kids seem to hold onto forever.  I'm pretty sure this poor girl will always remember the day she puked at the first friend party she ever attended. 
Life's funny like that.

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