Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Enjoy The Wipe

Molly and Jeb bonded over the weekend.  Again, Jeb is just the neighbor dog who joined our family last weekend. 
Just for the weekend.
As Mike described him, he's one of those dogs whose got an outtie for an a__hole. 
Poor thing. 
He's also NOT neutered. 
Of course we all noticed and pointed it out over and over again. 

Not the most flattering photo for Jeb, but this is nature.
Ironically, Molly didn't seem to care that his privates were so 'in your face'.

She's becoming more accepting of males in general.
It's a good thing. 
She graduates from preschool in 2 days. 
I think All-Day-Preschool is one of the best things to ever happen to her. 
Not to mention she has one of the BEST preschool teachers I've ever been lucky enough to meet.

She's begun finishing my sentences.  I'm not surprised as I find myself finishing other peoples sentences without realizing I'm doing it.  It's a habit I'm trying to break, but Molly's caught on.

She still asks me to wipe her butt.
Today as I wiped her butt, she went on-and-on about what a messy poopy she had and how her tummy was hurting today.
I told her "Molly, we don't have to talk about it, just lean forward ....."
"And enjoy the wipe?" she finished.

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