Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Molly's School Party

Guess who celebrated her 1/2 Birthday at school this week? 
It's actually her 3/4 Birthday, but whatever.  She's never celebrated her birthday in school.  That's what happens when your birthday is in early August. 
Needless to say, this was HUGE!

She took cupcakes (Which I made.  No, I didn't buy store cupcakes.  For Pete's Sake, I sell baked goods out of my house and teach the Foods classes at the school.  I figure I'm good.)

During that day I received last minute call for a catering event on the town square.  I didn't want to turn it down, so I took the job.  It meant I would most likely miss Molly's party at school which began at 2:00.  I emailed Molly's teacher to let her know I wasn't going to make it.  My heart sank and I felt torn, but sheesh, it's a half birthday and we're in the process of adopting a kid from China.  

Every penny counts.

Once I bought my groceries and got home, I realized catering experience is key.  With enough planning, (75 minutes) I could have my catering organized and make it to the party with time to spare. 

Thank God half-time jobs exist.

I was able to show up to Molly's party with plenty of time to smell the skanky duck eggs hatching by the sink and for the class to swarm me with playdoh snakes, hugs and random jumps onto my back when I wasn't expecting it. 

But then the party began and lets just say her teacher recreates Chucky Cheese Birthday Parties in her classroom.  There was music.  There was singing.  There was dancing.  And lo and behold... there were ceiling lights.  You don't know how significant this is to preschoolers.  They may as well be arriving at Walt Disney World.

The sparkle in her eye said it all.
So glad I made it.

1 comment:

  1. Parenting is a delicate balance , however there is treasure at the end ...... The child with its rear end in the bucket in your previous blog, is that the same child that's coming to Texas this summer ????
