Monday, July 18, 2016

Concert Time!

We threw our first concert. Naturally, it was hotter than... HOT.  But it's July in Iowa and that's whatcha get.  The purpose was to raise funds for our trip to China.  Luckily, we were awarded a $3000 matching grant for this fundraisier.  I've always loved a good challenge.

Cindy and Denny provided the venue (including a spotless yard with pops of color, seating, parking, playground area, background music and bug-free grass).  GG and Aunt Judy showed up as the work horses and made sure the roasters were hot and food was being served. 

GG ran around with her camera to be sure she'd have photos for our birthday cards.  Therefore, this glamourous shot of me by the jumper cables and pesticide sprayers exists.

There were two guests with casts (one was a child).  Did I mention how HOT is was?  Bless their hearts.

The heat didn't stop these two performers.  The dancing was started by Maisie's best friend Ava.  Ava won 2nd place in the talent show Maisie participated in last winter.  You know, when she sang "Fight Song" on stage and didn't freak out like we all expected her to."
The little girl with the cat ear headband is Ava's sister.  She and Molly were born at the exact same hospital, on the exact same day, by the exact same doctor.  1 hour apart.  Crazy town!

And of course, they all adore Maddy.  The neighbor girl.

Don't look at Molly.  It makes her uncomfortable.  She may punch you in the face.  She's a wild card.

Cindy and the Mack Daddy strike a pose.

Ross takes the comfy seat while poor Brandon is crammed against the house.  Brandon is the same friend Ross traded Brandon a stick for his necklace when they were 4.  Brandon's brother Evan is peering out behind them. He's on crutches.  Live Generously Ross, live generously.

Giant Jenga was happening in the background.

And not long after, the idea of gymnastics began. 
Maisie has no clue who this person is, yet felt moved to demonstrate her backbend for her.

Oh Chad Elliott, you belong on that log cabin porch!  Please come back!
Maybe you won't be sweating through your shirt next time.

This was during the Grandpa song. I think it was close to Heaven on Earth for at least one of 'em.

Ross was SO eager to count the cash afterwards.  I wouldn't have posted a photo like this cause it's tacky, but Ross and I have been obsessed with Monopoly lately.  I love how this photo shows our ongoing Monopoly game as we figure out how much more we need to raise to bring his big brother home.
This was supposed to be a super-attractive photo of our family.  Because duh, we're all in matching shirts.  However, we were hotter than.... HOT, I'm just noticing Mike must have shaved his facial hair?, Molly's face is partially covered, there's the reflection of a mini-van in the window and Ross is completely soaked from sweat. 
This is us. 
The local family bringing a 13 year old boy home from China.
Mack, we don't speak Chinese, I'm not that good at making rice, we're gonna mess up more than once as parents, we don't even know if you like the name Mack and we've never done anything like this before. 
But our hearts are ready for you.
Enjoy the below link of Chad Elliotts song dedicated to our journey. 
Oh, my heart!

1 comment:

  1. From my experience, good things come from sweaty events.(Remember my wedding?)I think a hot and humid concert to bring Mack home is a good sign.
