Friday, July 15, 2016

School House Rock

Just when I'd come to the conclusion my kids were most disrespectful, demanding and helpless people to walk the earth, (yep, it's summer break), I discovered them here...

Upon entering...  Seriously, they took their shoes off outside?

Inside the girls were crammed into this desk.  The same desk I refinished for the fair when I was in 4-H.  Not a necessary fact for this story, but still a fact.

And take a look who the teacher was...

Trust me, I snapped these photos as fast as I could and tip-toed outta there.  I didn't want anything to ruin this moment.
5 minutes later Molly came in bawling that Ross kicked her out of school.  Maisie followed her in quoting multiplication facts and asking if the cookies were ready. 
Whatever, it was great while it lasted.

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