Thursday, July 14, 2016

Summer Schedules and Crinoids

I started seeing the Chiro.  I woke up Wednesday morning and limped to the bathroom as my hip shot bullets down my thigh and into my shin.  I reached up into a cabinet and felt the nerve shoot the pain back up into my hip.
  That's the moment I surrendered. 

Guess what the Chiro found out?  Besides the fact that I have scoliosis (Heather, you're not alone), and the spine in my necks bends a little forward instead of a little backwards, but my right pelvis bone has shifted up, causing my leg to be shorter on that side (a little Great Grandma Green Syndrome) and I have 2nd degree sciatica.  The good news, the chiro can fix it.  The bad news, it wont be over night.

So hells bells, I'm gettin' 'er fixed. 

Thursday morning I needed to be out the door by 9:45 for my 'adjustment'.  During the school year, that's practically lunch time.  However, during the summer, it may as well be 5:30 a.m. 
Don't judge.  It's summer, sleepers gonna sleep.

Ross is completely bored with the Winterset pool, and it's the only place the girls want to go.  It's a constant tug-of-war.  Therefore, we had a long talk about 'trying things even if they suck sometimes.  Cause, you just never know'.

We went to the cat show at the Madison County Fair Wednesday.  OMG.  Please remind me to skip that next year.  And because that wasn't enough torture, we attended the open-class Pet show immediately following.  Again... OMG.  Things didn't get much better from that point on as we attended the 4-H Fashion Review modeling, however we tried something new and everyone survived.

On Thursday we picked up an old pastime and went crinoid hunting.  If you don't know what a crinoid is, you obviously were not following my blog in 2012-2013.  Molly had to pee immediately upon hitting the trail and I was forced to make her squat.  I just KNEW she'd end up peeing on her sneakers, so I managed to lean her backwards into my arms during the void, allowing the pee to fall straight down instead of shooting off in an awkward ankle.  Sneakers stayed dry!  Lo and behold, crinoids, fossilized shells, snails and mosquitos were discovered.  That's when Ross decided it'd be fun to show us the shortcut trail to the Ford.  The Ford is water rushing over a makeshift road that you can cross by car or foot.  The kids LOVED playing in it, however the algae at the bottom of the ford was SLICK!  Yep, I wiped out immediately and told the kids, "Nope, I'm spending way too much on my hip to participate in this death trap.  You guys can go knock yourselves out".  Luckily, we walked away without drowning or concussions. 
Maisie told me it was the best day of her life.

I watched another mom at the Ford take a cute photo of her kids under a shade tree.  That's when I remembered my camera was in the car, but there was no way I was hauling my Nikon down that sketchy path to capture my kids wiping-out on the slick algae. 

And yet for some reason, I have a feeling the image of Maisie's silhouette skipping down the Ford in her jean shorts and algae stained owl shirt, laughing to high heaven wont need a photograph to make space in my memory.  It didn't cost a dime, we laughed more than we complained, we came home with a fruitsnack bag filled with crinoids, and we tried something new. 
After Ross came out of the shower, he announced the Ford has sticky mud and he really could have used the "Plymouth Stone" to get it all off. 
Have I mentioned how much I love these people?

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