Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Holy Crap, can I please go back to school yet? 
The kids are making absolute sure we'll be ready to go our own directions Wednesday (first day back for teachers).  I've reached the point where my throat is sore and my lips are permanently pursed.  I was hoping to have a calm, somewhat productive, somewhat pleasant day with the kids on my last day of summer break. 

Well that just wasn't in the cards.

I took the girls for donuts at the Bakery for breakfast.  That's somewhat 'fun', right?  Sorta special?

It wasn't long after this moment everything fell apart.

Let me first mention that the anticipation of Mack has caused me to go into serious nesting mode.  The cat and dog don't help my obsession. With that said, Ross and I discovered flea eggs falling off Kuda on the living room floor this morning.  Anger doesn't even come close to what I was feeling upon discovering those moving black eggs on my floor.
I may as well have had witnessed a murder.  Everything, EVERYTHING would need to be scrubbed and the cat would need to be thrown out to the dog.  There was no other way.

Naturally Ross escaped and was later found watching the Olympics naked under a towel at Grandmas, Maisie went into 'help Mom with everything mode', and Molly decided I was the warm body she was going to leach onto until she turned 15.  Meanwhile, I was busy trying to distract the dog from the cat with an empty Coors light box (it was the only thing I could find on the porch), while the flea infested cat was trying to break back into the house.  I had 2 people arguing over my wicker furniture set on Online Garage Sales and I just got a message we could "WeChat" with Mack whenever we want. What the heck is WeChat and can't we just Skype?!

It didn't help that I ate too many onions last night and Molly woke up at 12:30 after peeing through the generic Shopko pull-ups.  After I stripped her bed she decided she was scared of her pillow and needed to sleep with me.  Whatever, I was tired and apparently pillows are the new monsters.

Mike eventually left the bed to sleep on the couch and I got Molly's elbow in my kidney all night.   In the morning Mike walked into the bedroom and announced how the room smelled like 'fart', which immediately got Molly's attention and would require immediate showers.  Those onions were strong.

Below are some camera phone shots from the end of our day. 

15 hours left and counting!

1 comment:

  1. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives...
