Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Day 1

Our first day of school with 3 kids under one roof is officially in the books.

Ross and Maisie woke up excited while Molly was scared.

The only breakfast request was 'something that wont make me have to dump'. 
Cereal it was.

I decided their nervous jitters were making them extra bonkers during pictures.

Maisie discovered she had her own locker this morning and quickly found her new best friend.

Ross was too cool for school and walked 5-feet ahead of me down the hallways.

Molly cried when we entered her classroom, but by the end of the day told me she 'loved it' and 'wanted to marry school'.

Therefore, I'm taking the first day of school as a win.

The scariest moment is always just before you start...

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