Saturday, September 17, 2016

The New Boyd Babe!

It's official, we've got a new Boyd Babe! 

I wasn't able to post much information about Mack on this blog until now because he wasn't ours yet.  There were forms I signed saying Yu Chengzhi's photos and file information were not to be posted on any public websites or the adoption could be in jeopardy.  The only reason I could post information about him on the Miles to Mack Facebook page was because the page settings were private. 
But, he's ours now... I can post whatever I want... GAME ON!!

So first and foremost I scoped out the nearest grocery store to our hotel in China.  I couldn't help it and found it fascinating. 

As Mike said, "You're just like your mother".  I sent the below photo to my sister who replied it reminded her of a picture in an old Alan Shepard Elementary Social Studies book.
This was an aisle of seafood.  Nothing but seafood!  Except those orangish-yellowish looking things at the end. Those were some sort of bug critter.

On the day we took custody of Mack, we had to meet at a photo studio to take Mack's Visa photos and a get a photo of him with Mike and I .  The studio was in a back alley of a street in Jinan (which is in the top 10 cities for the worst air pollution in the world).  My flat iron wouldn't work and I had to toss it in China.  I looked like a drowned rat for the photos this day, therefore you will see no photos of me until I was able to purchase a new flat iron at the nearest Watsons (aka: Chinese Walgreens).  We had to wait for the photographer to show up and open the garage door into her photo shop.  It felt illegal, but whatever, it worked.
Chinese toilets suck.  They stink.  Really bad stink. They don't come with toilet paper and there is no soap, let alone sinks.  The below photo is the squatty pot from the place we took custody of Mack.  It was an unusually clean one.

We were lucky to get a photo album from the orphanage of Mack's childhood photos.  I won't get into the details of how he became an orphan as it's not my story to share, however he was basically abandoned by his family on a street in Shandong Province.  His given name, birthday and age were/are unknown.  He was left without a note...

The flight home was long, uncomfortable and exhausting.  Jet lag sucks.  The day we came home I started having moments where I felt I was standing on a moving dock.  I warned Mike of my symptoms incase I stroked-out he could relay my prior symptoms to a doctor. 
I guess when you go more than 2 nights without sleep, you're body gets whacked out.

I wasn't sure how the girls would handle having a new brother.

My favorite comment was from Molly.  The conversation went something like this...
Me: "So, Macks pretty cool, right?"
Molly: "Yeah, It's just sorta weird there's a black guy here".

I am in awe of how well he get gets along with the girls.  It's obvious he was meant to be a big brother.

Below is the ride home from the airport.  My camera phone sucks... sorry about the horrible quality.

Mack lets Molly wrestle with him.  He's gentle and sweet.  Obviously he's been around younger kids.

And yes, Maisie fractured her wrist.  The Monday before we came home she smashed her wrist under the teeter totter at recess.  The orthopedic doctor saw her on Friday and determined she does NOT need a cast!  Just this brace for 4 weeks and no gymnastics. 

The first breakfast as home consisted of pancakes/waffles and hard cooked eggs.  Mack showed the girls how to blow the shell off the egg.  He's not a big carb fan, he prefers fish, meat, eggs and fruit.

Ross' jet lag has been the worst.  He's crabby, extra anxious and sleepy.  He really wanted his best friend Brandon to come play Saturday.  The boys got along really well and Ross has turned a corner in the jet lag department.  I have no idea why Ross was sitting between Brandons legs.

All in all, the adjustment to our new addition has been positive.  I'm still in shock of how comfortable the girls are with him.  He's a skinny little dude, but stronger than he looks.  His English is getting better each day, but still needs work.  He's a sweetheart of a kid.
There's no doubt God's got big plans for him.


  1. I'm so happy for you, sister! I can't wait to meet him!

  2. What a story to tell !!! A journey thru to the end....
