Sunday, September 25, 2016

Adjustments and Trampolenes

Mack has officially been in America for over a week.  As we learn more about him, he's definitely learning a lot about us.  He's seen Molly's cranky, armpit tickling, annoying stage; my 'sit the kids down on the couch and have an "I'm not the maid" lecture''; Ross trying to be the parent and creating new rules in a bossy voice personality; watching Mike mow the grass in his wife beater (which he found hilarious), and our constant attempts to get him off his Ipod.  We even attempted setting up the volleyball net in the front yard without all the parts on Friday afternoon. 

He's obsessed with playing harmless games on his Ipod... but it's constant.  Like it's his life line.  And in some ways, he probably feels it is.  It's his constant.  It's not speaking English.  It's not asking him questions.  And it's familiar.  I'll figure out a way to limit use before it begins interfering with attachment and language development, but for right now... it's been just over a week.

The school held a meeting before school on Friday for Mack's teachers.  Of course Mike and I were the first ones to arrive armed with ideas, goals, background knowledge and strong coffee.  While a few teachers have appropriate expectations, others needed a wake up call.  I'm grateful to Mack's ELL teacher who set a few of the teachers straight and got all the teachers on the same page.  We'll see how this week goes...

He's already mastered steering the car cart at Fareway.
And on Saturday morning I taught him to make him own 'cheese-free' omelet.  Afterwards, he was eager to help Maisie make eggs.  I must say it was my 'high' for the day.

He was able to meet his Schulz cousins on Saturday afternoon. 

Afterwards, we took the kids to burn energy at Skyzone Trampolene Park.
The photos are super-blurry.  But you get the idea.

 According to Ross, Mack is awesome at Dodgeball.

1 comment:

  1. Looking Good .... Jet lag looks like it has ended .... Everyone doing their thing .... Nice !!!
