Tuesday, September 20, 2016

First Day of School take 2

Tuesday marked Mack's first day of school in America.  Was he looking forward to it?  No.  Of course it's homecoming week at I-35.  What does that mean?  It means the school was TP-ed by the seniors last night.  I can only imagine what Mack thought as we pulled into his new American school .  The students are also dressing up this week for Homecoming.  Try explaining to him why his classmates and teachers are dressed like clowns through Google Translate.  God love him.

The school paired him up with another 7th grader who would be his mentor.  They gave him an Ipod with Google Translate and the middle school teachers tried their best to navigate their way through the language barrier.  Some struggled more than others but the resounding response was, 'He's really bright.  We'll need to make sure we're pushing him hard enough'. 

After school everyone asked how he liked school.  His response, "It was o.k."
At home I overheard Ross ask Mack, "Mack, did you like school?" 
His reply, 'NO!'
Good, he's normal.

He's picking up English like nobodies business.  He puts his dirty dishes in the dishwasher without being told and knows we expect him to shower daily and take his dirty clothes to the washing machine.  The way the girls respond to him blows my mind.  He was meant to be a big brother.

I didn't get a 'first day of school photo' as I forgot.  He's not a big fan of the camera anyway.

Ross' first Cowboy football game was Sunday afternoon.  I told him there was a good chance they may not play him since he'd missed 2 weeks worth of practice.

He played.  He was on the line for the majority of the game (not his choice), but did get to play as running back for the last couple minutes.

It wasn't long before he scored a touchdown for the Cowboys.

This little gal seems to be healing quite nicely.  Who'da thought she has a broken wrist.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo .... Was Ross the "snapper" dude as he explained to me the Summer?? Green Lantern!!! Schrroool is overwhelming to all teenagers..... Half of them speak in emoji anyway ..... Sunrise... Sunset... Swiftly will go the days !!!
