Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Figuring this Out

Technology is making me want to SCREAM.  Mack has a zillion assignments to do on Google Classroom tonight, however we can't seem to access our wifi because a 'school administrator' needs to enter their username and password. Seriously Clark?
This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Between Ross' endless homework and football practices, Mollys aggressiveness, screeching an anxiety over show-and-tell Wednesay, Mikes' latest plague: 'a cold', Macks teachers struggling to communicate with him, so they're coming to me, the 6 shots, bloodwork and assigned "stool sample" I need to collect from him (aka: Mr. Private) by Thursday, I've got my work cut out for me.  Have I mentioned Maisie has been a God Send?  Seriously, this girl seems to relate to Mack unlike any other.  The two have SO MUCH in common and seem to click more than anyone else.  I think they are both grateful for each other which makes my heart swell. 

We seriously spent over 2 hours doing 3 digit multiplication problems on the porch last night throughout violent outbursts of rage and sadness.  Ross and homework is not a match.

How we're feeling this week.

Don't' study too hard Maisie...

My cute little Chinese boy with highwaters :)

As soon as the Dr. walked out, Mack turned the tables and had us all laughing...

Yeah, we'll be okay. 
Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine...

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