Friday, October 14, 2016

Family Wish

Mike celebrated turning 40 this week.  Granted, he is blessed with an incredible wife who shares our life in a blog, but beyond that he has co-workers who treated him to the ever-famous Gusto Pizza for lunch at work.  He paid for it throughout the night and I paid for it in the morning.  Getting ready for work in the same bathroom has never been so nauseating....

BUT.... He is 40 now and apparently he's all grown up.  I'm also completely jealous of him right now.  Why?  Mack calls him 'Dad' and absolutely adores him.  I have yet to be called anything by Mack, but know the mom-connection will take a while longer given his history. 
I've got time.

We brought out the 'Flying Wish Paper' this week.  This is the tissue paper you write wishes on, roll it up and light on fire.  It floats away as you pray it doesn't catch the house on fire before it turns to ash. 

Mack even wrote a wish.

However, it was in Chinese.

Luckily for me, I have a resource for situations like that.

Turns out Mack wished for one thing.

It say's "Peace". 

God Love Him Forever and Ever.