Friday, October 21, 2016

Isn't It Ironic

It's truly ironic.  The exact week I assigned the annual chocolate chip cookie contest for my Foods students (a test on Function of Ingredients), Maisie became obsessed with baking a cake without a recipe.  She's got a passion for baking.

This is her list of ingredients....

 Wednesday after school, with an apron and a hat, she gave it a whirl. 

 I didn't my darnest to shut-up and let her figure this out...

She reminds me so much of myself.  I want to push her to be better.  She ended up with a batter.

I was exhausted from a long day a work.  Had 6 mouths to feed and get to bed.  I certainly didn't want anyone experimenting with cake in the kitchen.   But it turned out she would also need frosting.  
Good Lord.

But she did it.  And decorated it with a rainbow.
I wasn't expecting it to have descent texture; let alone texture.

Lets just say by the time she reaches my Foods class, she may as well be teaching it. 
Apparently, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

1 comment:

  1. Correct !!! Apple does not fall far ftom the tree .... Looks scrumptious !!!
