Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas, Nike Socks, Stockings and Dicks

Seems the 'heaves' have officially left the premises... and before Christmas- whata-ya know!

We've reached the point in the season where I go on ridiculous shopping sprees trying to 'even-up' the kids' gifts.   I've come to the conclusion it's an inevitable sign of becoming an old woman.  Or maybe just being a mom to kids old enough to realize if they're being short changed. 

It's that mindset which led me to spend 90 minutes tracking down Nike socks online; tall, colored in a mens small, as well as Nike socks; tall, black/gray, in a mens medium.  I've never entered the Nike sock arena this close to Christmas and Holy crap, this stuff is wicked.  If a store does carry the right size, it's some girly teal color.  Of if they have the right color, I discover during 'check-out' its in "Boys", not "Mens".  For the love of God, college finals were less intimidating than getting my hands on these bad boys at Christmas-time. 

Some justify the evenness of gifts with the amount spent, others with the quantity.  I kinda wish there was a category for 'how long it took you to find the item'.  If that were the case, the boys would definitely be in the lead this year.  But since quantity wins at our house, the girls will be bringing home the gold. 

Did I mention we've got the stocking situation going on this week?  Yeah, we do.  The girls squeal with delight each morning as they discover sleep masks, adorable necklaces, makeup kits, soft slipper socks, candy; then go on to discover the Elf and wherever his crazy adventures led him though the night.  Mack's perfectly content confiscating the candy and inhaling it instantly.  Ross on the other hand has been striking out this year.  Day one was headgear which he swears is too big (it's one size fits all, so I dunno).  Day 2 was Nike socks which turned out to be labeled wrong and should have been sold in the toddler section.    Day 3 was just candy (I was seriously out of options as I hoped the 3-pack of socks would have bought me more time).  He finally broke down and desperately asked for some'thing' in his stocking, not just candy and beef sticks which he didn't like and gave back.  I asked Mike to pick up a few stocking stuffers for the boys and exchange the socks while in Des Moines.  Lets just say by his reaction you'd have thought I'd asked him to sever his leg. 

After finally placing my online order for the socks and realizing there was a 50% chance they may not make it for Christmas, I received the below message from Dicks...

We deeply regret to inform you that despite our best efforts, we were unable to complete your order.

The following item(s) were cancelled:

Sigh...  Apparently Dicks can't find any either.

I realize all my struggles are 1st world struggles.  I couldn't be more grateful to have 4 kids this Christmas.  Each with healthy hearts, teeth and minds.  They've all over-eaten at least once this week, have medical care a phone call away, warm beds and a family who adores them. 

I've been attempting to teach Mack a little about Jesus.  Lord help me- (No, seriously, I need help).  I've discovered it's not easy to share the story of Jesus to a non-believer; let alone someone who is just beginning to learn English.  I know his heart wants to and will welcome Jesus with time and that Jesus already knows the outcome of my clergy attempts.  As botched as they are, I'm trying.

Meanwhile, as the days leading to Christmas come and go, I can't help but know the purpose of the season happens in broad daylight, in the middle of Summer, or Fall, Spring or Winter.  It has nothing to do with socks or pajamas, Nike, reindeer, elves or stockings.  We're living in the midst it.  Each day we wake up and get to 'do it all over again'.  That was the idea, the plan.  That's the gift Jesus was born to provide us with. 

Merry Christmas my 'Blogger Friends".  I wish you 'ENOUGH' this Season and plenty more in the year to come.

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