Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Years Eve 2016

Rewind to New Years Eve 10 years ago, 15 years ago, 21 years ago... (no comment), but Holy Smokes, am I seriously that old? 

It's New Years Eve 2016 and here I sit wondering what to fix my littles for dinner, whether I should have one more glass of wine or two, what time I'll need to leave in the morning to get Maisie to her gymnastics rehearsal, if the girls left chocolate cake crumbs all over the kitchen counter/floor, whether any of my kids brushed their teeth over Christmas Vacation, if the dog will finally attempt to use his new doggy door and if the spaghetti stain sauce on Maisie's shirt will come out or not...

On Friday we spend the afternoon with the kids at the Science Center.

Yep, it's all educational until Daddy starts relating various underwater sounds to bodily functions.
Ross could barely contain himself.

This is Ross learning how herring communicate through their anuses.
Silent hysterical laughter ensued.

Seems we can turn almost anything into something inappropriate.  It's a skill we don't take lightly.

We saved the 1/2-Pint area for last as it's the 'baby area'.  The stench hit us immediately.  Poopy diaper or sewage leak.  However, once you get used to it, you no longer notice.  The boys spent nearly an hour working on this maze.

The girls got good and sticky with the bubbles.

And then went on to milk the cow.  Ignore the plumbers' crack.

Boys still at the same place...

Yep, I think I'll have one more glass of wine; be grateful it's 2016, enjoy a handful of saltine crackers, some string cheese and maybe splurge on a Fruit By the Foot   I've got all my people with me this New Years. 

The Mission Is Accomplished.

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