Thursday, December 15, 2016

Tis the Barfing Season

I'd been feeling as though I was forgetting something all week.  With Christmas on my heels, I knew I had to figure it out before it was too late.  Ahhh, then it finally occurred to me as Molly barfed all over the couch, end table, American Girl doll clothes and rug Wednesday night, nobodies puked yet this season...

And it reoccurred again hourly throughout the night... every hour... on the hour. 

Halfway through the night, as Molly showered again and I scrounged up clean towels for her bedding again, Mike was busy in the downstairs shower trying to remove plastered on puke from her bedsheets before starting another load of laundry.

As I waited for Molly outside her bathroom, I was constantly reminded of who got the worse chore by Mike's consistent 'gagging' noises in the bathroom downstairs.  When we finally crawled ourselves back to bed, Mike couldn't stop talking about the puke and how he had to 'scrape it off her sheets' as the shower head wasn't strong enough.  5 minutes pass before he refers to the puke again as a 'spread'.  Something you'd put on a piece of toast... so thick...and why would it be so brown?....

Yep, this was my Wednesday night.

Luckily, there's not much I love doing more though the night than laughing, and this guy I married, he has a way.

Luckily number 2, I have a mother-in-law who's retired, willing to stay home with my sick kids, clean my house, do my endless piles of puke laundry as well as clean my puked-on-rug while I work.  Yep, lucky doesn't even begin to describe it.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Holidays. There's nothing like vomit to make the holidays extra special and memorable. :-)
