Sunday, March 19, 2017

Spring Break Comes to an End

Well I'm sure you're all dying to know how the fashion jewelry turned out.  Don't let your eye's deceive you... those are true crystals hanging from their necks.

And because Spring Break isn't Spring Break without water, swimming took place Thursday.  It was Lakeside Casino in Osceola, but still.
There were friends, so all is good.

And if life were simple, we wouldn't think about water fear.  We'd forget Mack was traumatized in the Ocean as a little guy. 
But life's not simple and just isn't the case.
It's gonna take time, and luckily for him, we've got all the time in the world for him.

And because parks are fun, we went to a few.

This is the girls eating ice cream at Montross Pharmacy Friday afternoon.  Molly isn't as full of smiles because she didn't like the old guy who sat next to her. 
So thankful she only scowled and didn't tell him she hated him.

But afterwards there would be Barbies swimming on the front porch while the girls soaked their feet.

And the door to the playhouse is finally complete!

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