Monday, March 13, 2017

Spring Break Day 1

It's Spring Break and I'm totally eating it up.  There have been so many Spring Breaks in my mom-career where I've been working and the kids had to go to daycare.  Talk about a punch in the gut. Today I spent the first day of Spring Break with my 4 babies and watched them together.  Like seriously, 'watched them'
They aren't babies anymore. 
Sure, they're slightly winey and self centered, but when we're tired and hungry, aren't we all?

Today I was able to drop the kids off in the lobby of the Science Center while I parked.  I know!  I left them to each other- for 5 minutes in downtown Des Moines without me.  Baby steps or not, my babies are taking care of each other.  It feels so liberating.  It also makes me realize how quickly time is ticking by...

But isn't that the point?  The entire purpose of raising our children is so that one day we can set them free.  Each day, they are one day closer to not needing us anymore.  Sorta makes me feel like puking, but whatever.

And what brings me so much peace is knowing they've got each other.  As they jump out of the van (thankfully not into the wet puddle), I can holler to Mack and Ross, "Keep your eye on Molly", and I know they will.

The day will come where they will be out of the house.  I have so much peace in knowing they are together. They are a unit.  Unbreakable.  They've got each others' backs.  Is there any better feeling than knowing your kids are growing up and have a team?

I took them to their very first IMAX movie Monday afternoon.  This is how we killed the time waiting to enter the theater.  I love the look on Maisies' face.  She's totally ready to one-up her brother once he's done.

When we entered the IMAX theater, the look of awe on these little faces killed me.  And this was before it even started!  As the first 'preview' began, I looked down our isle and have never seen those 4 beautiful faces looking back at me with the nerve-wracking excitement that only kids seem to possess. 
Ignore the red-eye- that screen was HUGE!

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