Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Spring Break Day 3

Tuesday (Day 2) Spring Break started with a very serious question from Ross.  He wondered if he could print a photo off his phone.  I said, of course you can.  You just have to email it to me so I can put it on a flash drive.  We'll head on up to Montross Pharmacy to get a print.  "What photo do you want?" as if I didn't know.😏

And that's how I ended up in Montross Pharmacy Tuesday morning printing out a wallet size photo of Sweet Caroline so Ross would have something to put in his wallet.

Maisie was invited to go roller skating in Des Moines with a friend, Ross was swimming with a friend at a hotel in Osceola and Mack was shopping for track shoes and going to lunch with Papa, which left Molly and I together like the good 'ol days.

We did lots of coloring...

And she totally passed out on our way to Winterset that afternoon.

Maisie and her best friend Kayla have been inseparable for the past 36 hours and counting.  She stayed at her house last night and tonight she is staying with us.  This is certainly the 'craft' age.  I suggested they play Barbies or Dolls and they pretty much looked at me like I was hideous. 

Below we broke out a crystal making kit and we're currently waiting for our baby crystals to sprout on pipe cleaners so we can complete the gems for the finished necklaces tomorrow.

And because I'm cleaning the basement, I've got loads of boxes to get rid of.  Of course a puppet show was the first thing that popped into these 8 year old minds.

The show was about 2 best friends who turned out to be mermaids. 
Apparently 'Eggs' sponsored the performance.

And then they talked me into making slime.  Yep, we're currently on batch 2. This stuff is like crack for elementary girls.

Don't question Macks bottle of tea/lemonade.  He likes to put fruit snacks in his drinks. 
As he would say, "Don't know!"

I asked the kids what they wanted to do today.
We could've gone to the mall, we could've gone to a Spring Break activity at the library, we could've taken friends to the Science Center or hiked up Clarks Tower or gone to the Historical Center.  I know, we're crazy and wild people with all these riveting possibilities, but nobody was interested.  Ross and Mack have Brandon over to spend the night and didn't want to leave the premises.  The girls just wanted to craft and I've heard nothing but hysterical giggles, Good Luck Charlie and gas all afternoon.  There's no place like home...

1 comment:

  1. The girls will be purchasing Crystal on the corner of the elementary school by the end of the first school week after Spring Break .
