Monday, July 17, 2017

A little of this and that.

The neighbor girl sent me some thank you money for helping get her to school and back this past year and I couldn't think of anything better to do with it than pamper my girls a bit.

 Maisie was ultra-relaxed with the massage chair.

So ticklish!

Maisie's still feeling a little drugged from the massage chair...

And not to leave Ross out of the fashion arena.  Look at that SPIKE!

We invited our good friends over for a playdate.  One of the kids happens to be a little person recently adopted from China.  Lets just say, there's nothing quite like the Mandarin language being spoken throughout the house, the vacuum running, club music blaring through Netflix and the dog barking as he chewed up baby bunnies in the front yard.
This is my life.

And that was BEFORE lunch.
I remember playdate lunches consisting of macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, chicken nuggets and Capri Suns.
Lunch today consisted of Hoisin Chicken Legs, Sesame Rice Noodles, Mangos, Mandarin Oranges, Grilled Spam, green beans, black cherry Kool-Aid, chips and cookies.

And just as the kitchen got cleaned up, it was time for slime. 
Have you ever tried to make slime without glue? 
We tried it, made a mess and threw it out.  
Cannot wait for glue to go on sale for Back to School sales. 
I'm stocking up.

And if your wondering, the shoulder shirts are all the rage in the Boyd household these days....

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