Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Brace Yourself!

Today was the day. 
She was trying SO hard to look scared, but excitement won.  

Today was Braces Day
Sure, we could have left her teeth alone till she was older, but the odds her permanent front teeth becoming chipped and jagged as her jaw developed, plus the 'futurecast' x-ray of those permanent teeth was the deciding factor when we made the call.  
Turns out a 7 year old jaw moves around a lot faster and effectively than a 14 year olds.  

In order for her upper teeth to pass her bottom teeth (correcting her underbite), the orthodontist had to give her 'turbos'.  Blue stuff painted on her back molars to keep her from biting down completely.  They describe it as trying to bite down on teeth when there are jolly ranchers stuck in them.

The patient in the chair next to Molly (no photo) is one of my students from school.  He'll be a freshman this year.  Molly will be a 1st grader.  

She DID wear shoes... I swear.

And finally she got to choose the rubberband colors.

Once we got home she told me she still wants 1 more thing...
If only she needed glasses.

1 comment:

  1. So awesome! I bet Miss Molly sill be smiling for pictures now. 😉
