Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Hotter than a Rats Rump

What could be more miserable than going to the zoo when it's 100 degrees and humid?

NOT having a family membership and feeling like you have to stay a long time to get your money worth.

Luckily for us, we we've got the handy dandy membership and were able to go for 30 minutes, check out the lion, the monkeys, the giraffe, the sea lions and the carousel before be buggied our sweaty arses outta' there.  Ross insisted he ride the rooster, Maisie the pretty horse, and Molly and Mack sat the ride out.

After being a mom for almost 12 years now, I've learned some very important parenting tips.
And on that list, It's essential to stay OUT of the farm animal area. It's where the drama lives. The kids get frustrated with brats on the play equipment, everyone argues over whos feeding the cutest goat and we all leave felling a little nauseous with stinky hands, full bladders and llama spit.  

It's the little tips that help me though...

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