Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Force

So this week the kids attended VBS.  The theme was a play on Star Wars called, Soul Wars.
Mack was a leader (go figure), while the munchins' invited school friends to meet up with.

It was a 3-dayer, and by Thursday morning Maisie was waking me up with the song.. I... I am a C... I am a C H R I S T I A N and I have C H R I S T in my H E A R T and I will L O V E ......

Well if that doesn't make you want to wake up and sing Hosanna in the Highest, I don't know what does.

The pictures were from someones camera- sorry if they make you dizzy.

The boys constructed a new desk for the loft.  Mack is into sanding wood (keep the jokes to yourself) and Ross discovered a new passion for lock-picking.

This is my life.

Next week I'm hosting a Cupcake Wars contest/adoption fundraiser in my classroom. 
Please pray the force will be with me.

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