Thursday, July 12, 2018

Mid- July Juice

When it comes to libraries, I've always felt a spiritual connection.  Even back in Long Grove, I remember the side door into the basement of the Civic Center opened into a walk-in closet sized gallery of possibilities.  Lets just say, it was my 'Target' back in 1989.  Not because of the books though.  I'd already read every R.L. Stine book on the market, but because they sold expired 'Teen' and 'Seventeen' magazines for 10 cents.  Thank goodness for my babysitting gig, because I'm pretty sure my make-up attempts and hairdo's would have been hysterical had it not been for the DIY beauty sections in my newly purchased magazines.

The Winterset library is nothing short of a 'home-away-from-home'.  True to each of my favorite libraries, it opens the door to a world of unknowns, the latest magazines for wherever my latest interest lies, libraries who know me by name and a bathroom... no need for explanation for those who know me well.

I took the 3 littles to the library last week and discovered how different they are from one another.
This is Maisie. 
Reading a book at the library. 

This is Jay. 
Finally get a chance to play on the library computers.

And this is Molly.
AKA: her fathers daughter. 
She's checking the locks on each of the chairs.

Meanwhile, this little snugglebug is finding his way into my bed through the night.  
I don't know ( nor do I ask) why.  
I don't usually know (nor do I ask) when. 
Because it really doesn't really matter.
He knows he's safe and loved.  
That is all.

Did I have to pee?  Yep.
Did my back hurt laying flat?  Yep.
Did I crop out my morning face and hair?  Yep.
But did I lay there with him until he woke on his own?  Yep
This is one of my 'priceless luxuries'.

In other news, this gorgeous girl and I had an Olive Garden date this week. Times have changed at Olive Garden!  They have ordering and paying Ipads (probably called something more techy) attached to each table.  AND, they sell cotton candy drinks.  WHAT???

This week Mack celebrated his 15th birthday.  (I should say, 'we' celebrated his birthday).  He's 15.  It's awkward and weird.  Mike and I took him to dinner.  It was good, but again he's 15.  I'll share more in a separate post.  
I can't imagine what goes though his mind.  All I know is I love him.

And last but not least this week was twinsy week for my girls.  Matching jumpers, matching braids, matching meals and popcorn from the hardware store, etc...ect…
I'm kinda jealous.

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