Saturday, July 21, 2018

Open Class Pet Class

We did it.  I secretly knew we could.  
2 years ago we sat at the Madison County Fair and watched an open class pet show.  
It was the same day we watched a cat show and a girl asked if we wanted to hold her cat.  The cat's kennel/carrier had a huge turd sitting in it.  We looked at her, the turd, then back at her before saying, 'no thank you'.  It's one of those moments that always circles back around in conversation.

But at the 2016 pet show, we just knew Goose could win this thing.  
So 2 years later, we filled a tupperware of water and I baked a batch of his favorite treats (with the addition of extra bacon grease AND crunchy peanut butter) before entering our Goose.  
We had this contest in the bag.

Until a baby goat named Ellie May walked in.  
Damn it.  
He was obsessed with sniffing her butt hole.
But only until someone took their pet rooster out of a pet carrier.  No, seriously, a ROOSTER.  It's name was Prissy and it wore a purple apron.
Goose and I went for a walk.
Yet Ellie May and Prissy weren't our biggest issue.  Our concern was a grey cat being removed from it's carrier by a young girl.  I swear the cat was giving Goose the stink eye as Goose went from curious to attack mode in a blink.  
We went on another walk.
Eventually it was Goose's turn to take the stage.  Goose's eyes were locked on that stinkin' cat the whole time.  I'm sure the cat called Goose a name in pet language and Goose went berserk.  No amount of peanut butter/bacon treats were going distract this hunt.  Soon Goose slid off the stage barking at the little girl and her cat.  In some strange adrenaline rush, I scooped Goose up like a toddler and placed him back on stage.

Ross got his body turned around and was able to demonstrate some of his tricks for the audience.  Awards couldn't come soon enough and Goose won the award for best trick. 

As soon as the award was passed out, the grey cat escaped.  
Thank God, Goose didn't notice and the cat was eventually captured by it's owners.
We headed home relieved there wasn't a bloody massacre to apologize for.

Goose was exhausted.  I was exhausted.
But we did it.  I knew we would.

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