Thursday, July 5, 2018

Sweet Slow Summer

I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've been asked if I'm teaching this summer.  
I feel a little apologetic each time I respond, 'Goodness no, my hands are full'.  

And I can't help but appreciate the slow-paced, busy summer I'm in the midst of...

Helping Molly train for her first mile race later this month.  We're not trying to kill ourselves, just taking it easy on run to Maddie's mailbox and back.  I've been teaching her to 'lean into' a hill, pace herself, look straight ahead, pump her arms and finish strong.

 I've started a workworking project and had an abundance of assistance from my sidekick in the purple satin nightgown.  I showed her how to determine the right screwdriver size and shape, the life skill of righty tighty/lefty loosey, how to use a palm sander and the importance of keeping all the hardware in one place.

There were days... years actually, when I stressed about keeping the house clean, unmarked, organized and controlled. 
Something in me shifted this summer and I've  decided riding roller blades in the house isn't really gonna hurt anything.

And when it's hot and you need to cool down, it's refreshing to plop yourself in the dog water bucket.

And as long as you don't see water spiders, coon poop or snakes, the city pool is no match for the nearest pond.

So in a way, I've put aside teaching classes this summer to make time for what I love most.  
Teaching my people to slow down, to take a breath that fills their lungs, to find something they love doing, to always trust God, to appreciate small simple pleasures, and to laugh out loud..

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