Monday, July 23, 2018

Race Day

I only took this picture of Molly because of that blonde nest of morning hair.  She was making her own pancakes before we went training for the Old Settlers mile race.  I didn't realize until afterwards how far she can arch her belly and butt out.  

She usually stopped to walk at the half mile point and ran/walked the rest of the mile.
 The final training day before the race, we went to the school track.  After one lap, she laid down on the track.  After 2, she noticed other people washing school windows and wanted to hide behind the bleachers.  But in 14 minutes, she finished the mile.

I was beginning to worry.

I wanted to take her photo at the starting line on race day, but she was embarrassed and wanted to stay between the cars in the parking lot.

The race was a combination of people running both the mile and 5k.  
There were only about 5 people running the mile and that included a dog.

When the race started, Molly cried.  Claiming she didn't know where to go through her tears.
I held her hand and told her I'd stay with her.  We walked.
Eventually she started to trot, before she finally let go of my hand and we ran.
This was the moment I wished I had wore tennis shoes and a sports bra.
I felt like such a bandit.

We starting turning corners (taking them short, of course) and eventually passed the other mile racers.  She wanted to stop, but I whispered she was in 1st place and if she stopped, she'd be passed.  We made it to the finish line before they had a chance to get the finish line tape up.

It's a REALLY small town.

She won a 30 minute pass to Get Air in Des Moines.  She wondered why there weren't any trophies.  I told her G'funk would be glad, those trophies are just 'dust collectors' anyway.

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