Saturday, February 2, 2019


The hardest thing I did this week wasn't hearing Gunny was hit and killed by a car... 
it was after school, sitting in my classroom, telling my kids their puppy was gone.

They may have well ripped my heart straight out of me.

I wasn't prepared for their initial shock and disbelief, then their sobs, then the quiet, then the questions.

So Many Questions.

Ross needed to see the blood in the snow and visualize the entire event.  Molly needed to know why God would do that to us?  Maisie needed to know if Gunny felt it.  I didn't have many answers.  But I thanked God I had so much Faith to put into my responses.  I told Ross that's why Faith exists.  
For the really sad times, just like this.  Faith helps us find a little peace.  

Ross told me the pain wasn't just his stomach, it was higher, like in his lungs.  
I explained that's why they call it a broken heart.  
And it will feel the same when he loses his grandparents and parents one day.  
Grief is grief.

Nobody ever said being a parent would be easy...

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