Thursday, June 17, 2021


 Each of my children require a certain amount of attention.  The bio's a little more than the Asians.  Our youngest bio has a BAD case of jealousy when it comes to attention.  

Did you know she wore a $300 medical boot during the last month of school due to an undetermined injury? 

Ironically, she was finally healed the day before field day.  She has since admitted she didn't need it, just wanted extra attention at school.  

And who doesn't?

I remember purposely failing my eye exam in 5th grade in a desperate attempt to have ANY sort of disability.  Pretty sure the school nurse told my parents I was legally blind.  I still didn't get glasses.  If only I had thrown myself off monkey bars at recess.  We all learned falling from the fort didn't even result in stitches...

So when dinnertime arrived and Molly decided nobody cared about her feelings, I ignored her. I had a long day and decided to take my dinner to the porch to eat in peace.  However, Molly's mood convinced her my lack of concern meant I didn't care about her, or even love her.  In fact, it meant I wished she were dead.  

Okay, Nellie Olson.  

She made sure I couldn't escape her guilt trap too. 

I spy with my little eye...

Daddy to the rescue.

I spent the afternoon at the Winterset walk-in clinic with Maisie regarding a possible appendix
situation.   No answers yet, but will go back tomorrow to recheck some bloodwork that didn't come back awesome.

 Late this afternoon Molly admitted she wished she were the one sick.
Not that she wants to feel bad... just has a huge craving for attention.

We know darling, we know.

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