Saturday, June 5, 2021

Fun and Dreams

Our Maisie has never loved sports.  Or ANY physical activity that would result in a droplet of sweat forming for that matter.  

She's our dreamer.  And with her dreams come constant song throughout our house.


It's like living with a person who constantly sings her thoughts instead of speaking.   And when I'm folding laundry, unloading the dishwasher, scrubbing a toilet, brushing my teeth, she will make me stop what I'm doing in order to watch her (can't break eye contact because then I'm not paying attention and she'll have to start over) perform some song she's been working on ALL DAY LONG.  

I recently listened to a pod cast by Glennon Doyle called 'We Can Do Hard Things' and the episode title was "Fun: What the hell is it and why do we need it?" 

Do you know what you like to do for fun?  No, seriously?  What do you, as an adult, find fun?

As for me, I have no idea.  

Isn't that terrible?  If someone where to ask me what I like to do for fun, I'm guessing I'd suggest organizing my closet, dipping the pink moldy bottom of the shower curtain in bleach because it's 'satisfying', or taking apart the fridge to figure out how far that blue jello actually dripped.  

So when I watch my kids "having fun" a part of me thinks back to when I was their age and fun came easily.  I'm not a total idiot and realize the world is 99,000 times different than it was in 1987, but still.  

The idea of hopping on my bike to look for loose change under the concession stand step was a total thrill for me.  And I won't even start with the adventures and mysteries to be found the cemetery.  Biking to the nearest library (3 or 5 miles- not sure- oh and with a picnic lunch and my sister) to spend the afternoon scouring years of microfilm to find a classmates moms' obituary, praying for a picture, just so we could see what she looked like.  Don't judge.  We didn't find it.

And then there was babysitting.  Have you ever baptized someone you were babysitting- for fun?  

Back to the point.  It's no secret Maisie finds her fun in singing and performing. So when the idea occurred to me for Maisie and her groupies to sing at the local winery... I figured why not?

They spent over a month planning, practicing and rehearsing for June 4th.  I tracked down a portable PA system through the school as the girls began planning outfits, breaks and introductions.

Whenever I told someone the girls were going to be singing at the winery, their first response was,

"For what?"

To which I'd shrug my shoulders and reply... Just for fun.

Early morning practices.

Organizing the play lists.

The day of the concert came and one of the girls was so nervous she puked stomach acid 3 times beforehand.
Their nerves reminded me of high school track; or the Strawberry Festival Fun Run for that matter.

I wasn't in charge of costumes, but I find her stunning.

They sang 2 hours.  
Made $99 in tips.  
And for one night of their life, felt like stars.
But more importantly, they had the kind of fun most 13-year-old little girls only dream of.

Once upon a time
 you were a little girl with big dreams that you promised you'd make real one day.
Don't disappoint yourself.


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