Wednesday, June 16, 2021


I remember the days we imagined we'd have our own families.  And here we are.  

25 years ago today, my sister turned 16. 

We shared a bedroom our entire lives.  

There was a blue carpet, a pink heart stencil border, and 2 waterbeds in our bedroom which made it perfect for "lost at sea shipwreck - save the cabbage patch babies at all costs scenarios...

The morning of her 16th birthday I had a recording of "16 Candles" saved to a cassette tape, so when she began to wake up, I just had to push 'play.'

25 years later we're not exactly where we thought we'd be at this stage of the game. 

As a matter of fact, I like to think we're a little bit better.

Makes me take a step back and look at some of the beautiful things we've accumulated.

Life doesn't offer a whole lot of unconditionals.  

Beyond grateful for the ones I got.

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