Wednesday, August 28, 2013

8th Birthdays, Buried Treasure and Church Cookbooks

When Ross was little, Mike and I often said, “It’ll be so nice when he’s like, 8.  We’ll actually be able to do fun stuff with him.”  The day is here and suddenly, he’d rather hang with his friends than us. 
On a bike ride home from the park last week, he asked me a question...
Mom, can I ask you a question?
You know when I found those buried treasures in our yard?
Of course I do.
Well, was that real or did somebody put them there so I’d find them?
What makes you think someone would do that?
I just can’t figure out how you and Daddy knew where I should dig in the yard.  Plus, they aren’t in anyone else’s yard.  I just can’t figure it out.
Hmmm.  So you think someone would actually make fake rocks with treasures inside, bury them in our yard and then have you dig them up?
I don’t know, maybe?
In order for someone to do something that crazy, they would have to love you an awful lot wouldn’t they?  Like, more than normal.  Do you know anyone who loves you that much?
You do.
I sure do.
At this point I asked Ross to bring me the church cookbook and read a recipe to me.  Below is the recipe.


I couldn’t tell if he was disappointed or processing this new information. He went on to ask about all those arrowheads he dug up.  I told him those were from GG.  He responded, “What!?  GG carved all those arrowheads for me?!” 
I laughed at the thought and explained that the things people do for others are the true treasures in life and how I hope he is able to discover a whole treasure chest full of them throughout his lifetime. 
I told him to never stop looking for treasures…one of the greatest treasures of my life showed up at 9:39 on a Sunday morning when I was 26 years old.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Ross! It's been 8 years of wonderful memories and 8 years of your mom bringing tears to my eyes with her heartfelt posts.
