Friday, August 30, 2013


Ross was confident he didn't want to go out for football this fall.  The sign-up form turned into a paper airplane and got tossed.  He's never shown much interest in organized sports and we've never pushed it. 
Last weekend he found out several of his best buds were signed up for football.  He decided to give it a shot.
On Monday, I picked up a new sign-up form from the school office.  I noticed the deadline was the previous Friday.  Dang.  The lady at the Parks and Rec desk wasn't terribly thrilled with me for being late, yet I'm sure she heard the desperation in my voice and saw my checkbook open.  She said she was just about to send the information to coaches and was willing to get Ross on a team.  Whew!
Later that day we found out he was on the same team as his two best buds.  Double whew!
His first practice was the evening of his birthday.  His shirt number is 8.  After practice I asked him who the best player on his team was. He quickly replied, "Probably me."  No confidence issues here.
I'll the let photos give you a glimpse into how it's going.

After the first practice he came home and played catch in the yard with Mike until he jammed his fingers.
The next day Mike was instructed to buy cleats and I was in charge of geting his mouthguard formed after school.  This was quite the procedure considering Ross stopped halfway through to pull out a tooth.  Needless to say, it took numerous attempts, a round ball point pen, a knife, the edge of a cup, kabob skewers and a popsicle stick.  Don't ask.
I later discovered Ross applying black face paint under his eyes.
The slightly gnarled up mouthguard.  We did our best considering the circumstances.

I realize this picture isn't my best work.  However, I love the way Molly adores him.  The framed photo on table behind them was taken 1 year ago. 

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