Friday, August 23, 2013

How's it Going?

You may be wondering… so how is school going?

The first day was interesting.  I’m not sure Maisie spoke. I unpacked her backpack and opened her Hello Kitty lunchbox to discover she didn’t eat her lunch.  Huh?
“Maisie, why didn’t you eat lunch?”
Maisie with a sad face, “I didn’t know.”
“Know what?”
“I didn’t know where to put my lunch, so I got a ticket for hot lunch.  I had a cheeseburger.”
I sent a note to her teacher explaining Maisie needed clarification on the lunch procedure.  She took cold lunch the second day of school and came home telling me her sandwich tasted gross.  It was her favorite, a purple jelly sandwich with the crust cut off.  She said tasted like rocks and wieners.  I wasn’t about to argue with that sort of logic, so she's going sandwich-free today.
Ross’ first day of school went well, however he was extremely thirsty throughout the day.  I’m guessing he took 5-7 minutes after school to describe just how thirsty he had been.  He wasn’t sure if it was due to nerves, thinking so hard, playing at recess, the humidity in the air or what.  All he knew was his thirst could not be quenched at school.  Luckily, his teacher allows water bottles and now he is able to get through the day less parched.
The first school day was quickly overshadowed by the fact that Ross punched the neighbor kid in the face while at the park after school.  He hit him full force across the jaw.  Mike and I looked at each other with quizzical looks as Ross told us how frustrated he had become with this kid and he began to cry reliving the event.  We tried not to act shocked so I asked Ross if he remembered to tuck his thumb when he threw the punch.  He said he did.
Meanwhile, Molly and I are busy prepping for Ross’ Basketball Birthday Party tomorrow.  Stay tuned…
Were making a Grasshopper Poke Cake I found on Pinterest.  I had a red velvet cake mix in the cupboard that needed to be used.  It expired in March. 
Although expired, Molly approved.
Red cake with Green Mint Frosting.  Grasshopper cake?  I'm guessing 8 year old boys won't notice.
So glad to have a helper in the kitchen.  This is her favorite place to be.  I'm wondering if she was an oceanographer in her last life.  She has an obsession with water.

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