Friday, August 16, 2013

A Barber Shop

I have memories of a yellow square building on the corner of downtown Eldridge.  It was where I could find my dad, my Grandpa and sometimes my Grandma.  It had orange and black carpet tiles that felt like an SOS pad, black wrought iron gates throughout and an orange cat clock with a tail that wagged back and forth. 
Bloomers, the flower shop was across the street and my dad's aunt worked there.  Once in a while there would be a corsage that didn't get picked up before a school dance and Dad would bring it home for us to admire. 
At one time, I remember an old meat locker down the way that sold string cheese and a small soft serve ice cream store in the same area.
There was a video store the other direction- VHS of course and if it was Saturday and we got our housework done, mom might let us call dad at the shop to bring home a movie.  It was a big deal to us.
The yellow square building was where I got my first perm from Grandma Green, watched my dad carve lightning bolts and later, NS into the back of my brothers heads, and where I told Dad I wanted a new look and to add layers to my bob-cut. 

While he trimmed Maisie's hair last weekend, I began to remember what it felt like as he would wrap the white tissue paper around my neck and pulled the yellow cape around me.  It was usually a Sunday night and before we left, we helped him fold towels for the next day. 
My Dad's Barber Shop is no longer a Barber Shop. 

It's an ice cream parlor called Smilee's. 

The ice cream sets where the two barber chairs used to be.

The sign that was stored in the vault is on display.  I'm glad.

We took a trip there with Tim, Elisa, Cole and Zach.

Maisie approved...
As did Molly.


This is my favorite picture from our visit to Smilees. 
It tells a story... things change, people grow, life evolves... and yet, we'll always have a bond with that yellow square building on the corner of downtown Eldridge.

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