Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Beautiful Day

Saturday was perfect. We had good food, stiff drinks, new faces to entertain my little ones, a little boy with a funny English accent, an extraterrestrial-looking object bagged-up in the garage, a warm fire, my husband slaving over a cast-iron dutch-oven, the first few glimpses of an upcoming meteror shower, a repaired garage wall and a chopped down apple tree. Enjoy the photos- they show Saturday better than I can describe it.
Grandma plays Little Bunny Foo Foo with Molly.
Tiana and Maisie walk out to see the horses.  She idolizes her because she's a teenager.
Ross, Aiden and Liam try to hunt frogs.  Good luck with that.
Maisie's pretty sure Tiana's a real live princess. I'm going with it.
I walked into the garage to fetch a pail of water... when I discovered this.  No wonder Molly wont let me set her down.  Creepy.

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