Friday, October 26, 2012

The Cafe

The Winterset Elementary School has a pretty cool cafe.  No, I'm not talking about the cafeteria, I'm talking about The Cafe.  And yes, reservations are required.  The Cafe is a special place outside of the cafeteria where parents or grandparents can spend a 'lunch-date' with their kid.  Elementary age kids aren't embarrased by their parents yet, so it's a win-win.

I called the school early in the week to get reservations at The Cafe for lunch Friday- you just never know with these types of things.  Ross was pumped because he was also chosen to be line-leader on Friday.  It was a big day.  As the girls and I arrived at Ross' classroom, he was quick to ask whether he could invite 2 guests to join our lunch date.  I figured, the more the merrier!

Charlie, Ross and Tate- buddies.  Ross made this face for the majority of the photos I took.  It's his "I'm a tough-guy-ninja-face. 
We spent a good 3-5 minutes discussing what the "sauce" was on Tate's plate.  Not a ringing endorsement for school lunch.

Ross requested a Personal Pan Cheese Pizza on Friday.  Luckily, I found Tombstone personal-size pizza's in the freezer at Fareway.  Unfortunately, my oven quit working Thursday night so I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do.  Turned out technology saved the day- my microwave does convection-oven cooking.  Anything for you, Ross!
For some reason this makes me think of a pose they will try to re-create someday at a high school party.
I seriously think Ross believes he's in a gang. 
Rabbit ears are hilarious to 7 year old boys- ranks right up there with making fart sounds with your armpits.

Molly was content with orange Dorito's.  They matched her shirt. 

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