Sunday, October 28, 2012

Target Toy Catalog

With Trick-Or-Treat night only 2 nights away, Ross decided he'd better start his Christmas list.  It all started when the Target Toy catalog showed up in the mailbox Friday.  Crazy enough, not a single item from the catalog made the list. His list cracks me up. So practical, except of course, for the gas-engine dirt bike he's got his eyes on.  I also can't get over that the first thing on his list is underwear.  Who is this kid?
I'd like to mention he needed help spelling everything but the last item. I told him "Go ahead, take a stab at it, how hard can it be?" I'm guessing Santa will be able to sound it out just fine.

The list: Boxers, Dirt Bike, Wimpy Kid Book (Santa's already got the green book for him), Bike Helmet, Slide (for his boyscout neckerchief, of course), and fudee peejes. 
I just love that kid.

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