Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Utensil Drawer

Ross helped me fold kitchen towels Monday night.  He can't get shirts and pants to lay right, so he sticks with towels- I'm not complaining.  When I commented on how nicely he had the towel drawer arranged, I asked him if he'd like to tackle the untensil drawer.  He immediately began unpacking the drawer and piling my random gadgets into categories. 


It didn't take him long to finish.  Of course not every utensil would fit back in the drawer; they never do.  Which is why I've adopted the "crock" untensil-holder idea (as I explained to Ross is for awkward items).

If you come to our home, please don't question why nobody can find a wooden spoon, a whisk, a can opener or a rubber scrapper.  I'm sure they will turn up at some point.  In the meantime, we have any tool you may need for sweet corn or egg slicing located front and center.  Obviously, Ross has a pretty high opinion of sweet corn.


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