Sunday, January 6, 2013

Break Up

3-1/4 years ago, we fell in love with the charm and mystery of a 110 year old house.  Oh, it was handsome alright, but like all great ones, needed some tweaking.  In those 3+ years, I can't even begin to count how many times I have cussed this place.  To be fair, I have not only been verbally abusive but physically abusive to this house.  I'm not proud of that, but in my defense the house has been a jerk-face.  A small 20-minute fix usually turns into something like this.
I can hear Mike cursing the "plaster" in the living room. I walk in to find this...

Oh, and I'd better not leave out this one either...
Let's just say the honeymoon is over.  The house and us; were breaking up.


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