Wednesday, January 23, 2013

You Tube

Not sure whether you’ve seen it or not, but there’s a you-tube video of a dad putting his daughters’ hair into a ponytail with a vacuum hose.  Monday morning Maisie didn’t want her hair done. 


You may think, ‘no biggie, how bad could it be’, however if you combed through her hair you would notice the hair she chews on, the hair she twists into a sharp point and sticks up her nose, as well the tacky hair in the back that I’m guessing is dried egg.  Thank heavens for hair de-tangler spray.  Not as much for the detangling powers but more for the fact that it’s wet and helps to “refresh” her hair in the morning.  Aka: dilute the other unknown stuff.


However, Monday she was fighting us even brushing her hair.  Mike recalled the you-tube video we watched over the weekend and decided to give it a whirl.  I was concerned about the film of drywall dust lining the inside of the vacuum hose, but realized it wouldn’t really matter anyway. 


Through the process Maisie giggled, Ross analyzed, I worried and I’m guessing Molly was just grateful her hair is barely long enough to brush... let alone vacuum.   We determined Maisie’s hair isn’t thick enough for this maneuver to work correctly.  Mike gave up while Maisie, feeling as though she just stepped off a roller coaster was able to start her week off in better spirits than she woke up with. 


Who knew a vacuum could do that?




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