Saturday, January 12, 2013

Slumber Party

Ross spent the night at Grandma and Papa Boyd's Friday night, therefore Maisie and Molly had their first slumber party in Maisie's bed. 

There were dreamlights, songs, prayers, giggles and whispers. I couldn't help but regress to the day's of sharing a room with my own sister.  I told them stories about floss-snacks, hysterical crying/laughing sounds and rescuing babies who had fallen off the boat and into the ocean. 

At one point I broke into song: Hush Little Baby, Don't Say A Word... but I used dramatic hand gestures and closed my eyes.  It was riviting.  The girls were captivated.  I'm sorry you missed it.

Once we said our final 'goodnights', the slumber party ended in less than 5 minutes.  Molly wanted to sleep in her own bed. Oh well, you've got to start somewhere.

In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips. ~Author Unknown

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