Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ross Update

An update on Ross

As you may recall from my previous post, Ross threw-up early Monday morning.  Mike stayed home with him that day.  I received a call at 9:00 a.m. that Ross had taken a nasty poop and was feeling better.  Later in the day I receive a text from Mike:

Mike to me: Ross said he has hot burnin farts

Tuesday: Ross wakes up with a fever.  I stayed home with him.  He didn’t move from the couch all day.

Wednesday: Ross wakes up fever-free and reluctantly goes to school.  Wednesday evening I unpack his lunchbox and notice he didn’t eat his chocolate pudding or Oreo’s.  Not a good sign…  Moments later he’s barfing in an empty ice cream bucket.  He doesn’t tell stories while barfing this time, only answers my questions during the event.

Me: “Ross, did you swallow some gum this afternoon?”
Ross: “No, I don’t know what that is”

Me: “Ross, did you drink all that purple Gatorade?”
Ross: “yep”

Meanwhile, Maisie knowing he’s nauseous at the sight of food makes sure to sit in front of him with an ice cream sandwich, ramen noodles, bananas- basically anything to make his situation worse.  Molly walks around with her head in another ice cream bucket mimicking Ross’ barf sounds. 

What would the world be without sisters?

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