Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I've  reached a fork in the road in regards to my career path and I'm struggling with which road to take.  What's best for my kids might not be what's best for me, and what's best for me might not be what's best for my kids...or maybe it is.  You get the gist.  I'm all twisted up like a braid and driving myself bonkers; which is something I excel at.
On our way to Fareway, while Ross was excited to pick out a Hungry Man dinner for the first time (he's graduated from the Kid Cuisines) and the girls would get their smiley-face mac and cheese meals, I asked the question out loud to the kids, "What do you guy's think I should do?"
Ross was the first to pipe up, "That's easy Mom, what makes you the most happy?"
I smiled and told him. 
He responded, "Well there you go, just don't worry about us Mom.  If your happy, that's pretty much all we need is a happy mom... and a happy dad too."
Suddenly the view out my new windshield became blurry and I came to the realization that this 7 year old boy was wise beyond his years.  In a world heavy with decisions, paths, regrets and emotion, he made everything so simple. 
 "What makes you happy mom?"
I've said it before and I'll say it again, when I grow up I want to be like him.

1 comment:

  1. We are having the same struggle at our house!! Then one day Grace said "I want to be a cheerleader and go to work like you Mom". It made me feel better about my least a little bit. Good luck!!!
