Friday, April 19, 2013

She's 5!

On the day she was born, I posted to the Babysite, "She's here!".  Today, I can post, "She's 5!"

Maisie, on the morning of her 5th Birthday.  In true Maisie-style, I told her, "Maisie, I'm so happy today is your birthday."  She replied, "Mommy, I'm so happy at your farts."
Opening presents was very hard on Moo.
Ross, presenting Maisie with her new bike.  You can almost see the vein popping out of Molly's neck from the distress this caused.
Who would have thought it would be freezing cold on April 19th.  She stashed blue blankie in her bike basket.
Her birthday lunch.  Yes, her applesauce was served in a small wine glass with a candle sticking out the top.  We love birthday's.
It's been a rough morning for Moo.  She's completely naked in this picture (her request).  I let her have a candle in her applesauce too.  I was careful to keep her hair away from the flame...
For this reason.
Meanwhile, we've been busy preparing for Maisie's big bash with her friends tomorrow afternoon.  Stay tuned....

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