Friday, April 12, 2013

It's Been a Week

Mike had strep this week.  He was a wreck; fatigue, sore throat, fever… I could go on, but he’s a guy so you get the idea.  Meanwhile, his snoring was atrocious, which is how he wound up sleeping in Molly’s bed a few nights while Molly slept with me.
She’s an interesting critter.  She likes to share the same side of the bed, same pillow, same blankets and same square footage as me.  I think her love language is touch. 
As I balanced on the edge of the mattress, using my core muscles to keep from falling out, I carefully hoisted her onto her own pillow.  She began wimpering so I explained she needed to scooch over or I was gonna fall out.  She rolled right back over, threw her arm across me and said, “I got ya mom”.
In other news, Ross had his first bloody nose last night.  He was trying to do a face-plant onto a couch cushion not realizing the I-pad was lying on the cushion.  It was minor, but he felt it necessary to hold a beach towel across his face and lay on my lap.  Each time he saw a blood spot appear on the towel was a little high for him.  I’m sure he’s already told everyone at school about it today.  Meanwhile, I’m finding blood smears all over the house this morning.  I think he just wanted to preserve the evidence that he really did have a bloody nose.
Maisie woke up with a fever, swollen eyes and ichy skin.  This picture of Molly pretty much sums up how our week has gone.


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