Thursday, September 12, 2013


Maisie is finally a ballerina.  She has dreamt of this moment for months.  Actually, ever since she watched "Barbie and the Pink Shoes" last spring.  Of course we didn't know what type of shoes she needed to wear, so I sent her in sandals.  Luckily a more experienced dance mom was in the building with a spare pair of ballet shoes Maisie could borrow for the first class.  They were 2 sizes too small and I swore I could see a toenail jabbing out of the front, but Maisie insisted they felt fine. 
Walking back to the minivan after class, I asked what she learned.  She sat down on the sidewalk and demonstrated a 'bridge'.  I didn't realize ballerinas did bridges, but who am I to question it? I'm not sure, but I have a feeling she's gonna love dance.
Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion. 
-Martha Graham

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