Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mouthguards, Lunch Boxes and Duct Tape

The elementary school "café" opened for visitors this week.  I called on Monday morning to make reservations both Monday and Tuesday.  Monday, Molly and I surprised Ross at school to eat lunch with him in the café.  We stood by the cafeteria doors and waited for him to come down the stairs with his class.  The surprised look on his face when his eyes met mine stole my heart a million times over. 
I can say the same thing about Molly earlier when she told me she already packed her lunch.  My curiosity got the best of me and I took a quick peek inside her backpack. 

I couldn't decide what I liked best, the fact that she packed sugar-free Kool-Aid concentrate, plastic bears,a chewed up sucker stick, or the fact that she did it herself.
Molly and I met Maisie for lunch in the café on Tuesday.  We were a couple minutes late because I discovered maggots growing under our trash can (outside) and I had to treat the infestation before we left. 
Monday night was Ross' first flag football scrimmage.  He was nervous, but once he applied his black face paint and adjusted his mouthguard, he was ready to play. 
The scrimmage lasted 30 minutes and felt like it ended before it started.  The future games won't be as brief, so I'm told.
Ross's team, the "Bulldogs" were playing against the "Cyclones".  Luckily for Ross' team, we came with a cheerleader.  Yes, the uniform is a 3T and is an ISU Cyclone uniform however, we were able to use duct tape to cover "Cyclones" and replace it with "Bulldogs". 
Were creative like that. 
Enjoy the photos from the big game.
In case you were wondering, the Bulldogs lost.  Ross later explained he was too scared to pull a flag, incase it wasn't the right flag to pull.  So he just faked it. 
Whatever works.
Pre-game jitters. 
Maisie strikes a pose while Ross holds Molly back.

Don't mess with his sisters.

Ross in position on the field.  Since the game didn't start until 7:30, they got to play under the lights.

The Bulldogs take the field.

I'm not positive, but I'd be willing to bet the majority of the team spent more time adjusting their mouthguards than focusing on the game.  As far as I'm concerned, that's exactly how it should be.  The joy of being 8.

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