Thursday, September 19, 2013


I remember it like yesterday.  Another Sunday would roll around and to spare myself some boredom or being forced to help Dad chop firewood, I'd hide out in my room with a book.  R.L. Stein was my author of choice.  I loved the horror and the drama of the entire series  (Next to Babysitters Club, of course).  Mom cleared out the fridge on Sundays so the only time I'd leave my room was for lunch as leftover bowls of spaghetti covered in saran wrap and meatloaf were microwaved. 
Therefore, it's no surprise that when Ross can't put down his R.L. Stein Goosebumps book before football practice, I feel a little nostalgic. 

Maisie has developed a love of reading as well.  I'm certain Junie B. Jones will be making an appearance in the near future...

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